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The Restored Life Pt1

Feb 9, 2025    Stephanie Beaulieu

In this powerful exploration of restoration, we dive deep into the concept of 'Promised Land Living' and what it means for our spiritual journey. The message centers around Exodus 23:20-33, drawing parallels between the Israelites' journey to Canaan and our own path to spiritual wholeness. We're reminded that restoration is a process - from slavery in Egypt (representing our bondage to sin), through the wilderness (our journey of faith), to the Promised Land (the fullness of life in Christ). This journey isn't instant; God works 'little by little' in our lives. The key insight is that true restoration starts from the inside out, just as brokenness began in the Garden of Eden. We can't fix ourselves externally; we need the indwelling life of Christ to restore us spiritually first. This message challenges us to consider: Where do we see brokenness in our lives? Are we trying to fix things on our own, or are we allowing God's restorative power to work from within?